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L’Industria 4.0 raccontata da Antonio Marcegaglia
24 September, 2018
During innovA, the convention of innovation for the steel industry, held in Brescia from 20 to 22 September 2018, the Chairman and CEO Antonio Marcegaglia explained the main applications of Industry 4.0 in the Company: a system for measuring the mechanical and
Marcegaglia Plates: master in heavy plates
26 March, 2018
Marcegaglia Plates is part of Marcegaglia group. The company is dedicated to the fabrication of heavy (quarto) plates: weathering steel, structural steel and steel for boilers and pressure vessels. Marcegaglia Plates è la società del gruppo Marcegaglia dedic
Nazzareno Rubino: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop
The Flat Universe: Marcegaglia expertise in cut-to-length sheets and heavy plates. L’universo dei prodotti piani: l’expertise di Marcegaglia nelle lamiere spianate e da treno.
Open day Ravenna: intervista ad Antonio Marcegaglia
20 July, 2015
Antonio Marcegaglia interviewed on the occasion of the company’s open day for the 1st Festival of Industry and Business Values, promoted by Confindustria Ravenna to celebrate the Association’s 70th Anniversary. Antonio Marcegaglia intervistato in o
Antonio Marcegaglia interviene a Made in Steel 2013
15 April, 2013
2021年,暗物质搜索不停步|暗物质|中微子|探测器_新浪科技 ...:2021-1-14 · 科学家正加速升级该探测器,希望在2021年—2021年完成大部分工作。 升级后的探测器将称为“PandaX-xt”,可容纳4吨氙气。 美国的暗物质研究人员也 ...
Enrico Paladini: EuroBLECH 2012 workshop
30 October, 2012
Marcegaglia processing centre in Ravenna: the Mediterranean coils hub. Il centro di lavorazione Marcegaglia a Ravenna: l’hub mediterraneo dei coils.
Cesoie “Guida”: procedura di sicurezza
22 October, 2015
MADE HSE training video on the safety procedures to be used for Cesoie “Guida”. Il video di formazione di MADE HSE sulle procedure di sicurezza da utilizzare per le Cesoie “Guida”.
Antonio Marcegaglia all’EY Capri Digital Summit 2017
25 October, 2017
Antonio Marcegaglia spoke at the closing day of the EY Digital Summit 2017, entitled “Where innovation becomes experience, value, business” and held in Capri (Italy) from 4th to 6th October 2017. The topic of the meeting, chaired by the journalist of Il So
Il gruppo Marcegaglia compie 60 anni
3 July, 2025
The “TG3 Lombardia” news service about the presentation of Casa Marcegaglia, held in Gazoldo degli Ippoliti on Tuesday 18 June 2025. Il servizio del TG3 Lombardia sulla presentazione di Casa Marcegaglia, tenutasi a Gazoldo degli Ippoliti martedì 1
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